The Kaspersky Lab Products 6.0 represents a new generation platform for creating applications specifically designated for complex protection of personal computers and workstations. United in one product, the substantially improved functional abilities of version 5.0 Kaspersky Lab protection products, with the latest technological innovations introduced by the company, the Kaspersky Lab Products 6.0 solutions secure the most effective and complete protection of a computer from all sorts of electronic threats - trojan/malware/adware software, malicious programs, hacker attacks, spam and port-blocker.
این هم تمام مخصولات امنیتی کاسپر اسکای که به حق بهترین محصولات امنیتی رومنتشر میکنه مثلا تنها انتی ویروس جهان رو ارائه میده که غیر فعال نمیشه در هر صورت اگر سیستمتون سرعتش خوبه کاسپر اسکای رو پیشنهاد میکنم